We have just received RECOGNITION AS AN OUTSTANDING SCHOOL by the NATIONAL MATHEMATICAL CENTRE, ABUJA based on our performance in the 2019/2020 NIGERIAN MATHEMATICS & SCIENCE OLYMPIADS. We also received awards as BEST SCHOOL IN SENIOR MATHEMATICS and JUNIOR SCIENCE in the State courtesy of the excellent performances of SAMUEL OZUMBA (SS1) and DANIEL NWACHUKWU (JS3) respectively. But we are most glad to have received the award as the MOST OLYMPIAD IMPROVING SCHOOL in the State because we believe that we must forever keep improving, the numerous Olympiad and other national and int’l excellence awards our students and alumni have won and continue to win yearly notwithstanding.
Recognition as an Outstanding School
GISS Editor2020-02-03T07:57:30+00:00January 26th, 2020|Categories: Achievements, Awards, Events, Exams & Training, News|Tags: achievement, Awards, Excellence, Grundtvigians|
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