Pan African Mathematics Olympiad for Girls (PAMO-G) Gold Awards

Following their excellent performance in academic competitions, three GISS students have been invited to the National Mathematical Centre in Abuja to receive Gold Awards.

Miss Amarachi Opara in SS3 and Miss Uche Ugochi in SS2 are to receive Gold and Bronze Awards respectively, having made it to the top at the Pan African Mathematics Olympiad for girls (PAMO-G).

SS2 student, Miss Blessing Egesimba, came 1st in Anambra State in the National Chemistry Olympiad.

Award Details


July 20th, 2015

  • Miss Blessing Egesimba SS2
  • Miss Uche Ugochi SS2
  • Miss Amarachi Opara SS3

Pan African Mathematics Olympiad for girls (PAMO-G) Gold Awards


National Mathematical Centre, Abuja

“All letters are dead even if written by fingers of angels and nibs of stars, all book knowledge is dead that is not unified with a corresponding life in the reader.” 

Bishop N.F.S. Grundtvig (1783-1872)